Worlds Better helps event industry leaders to define and/or achieve their sustainability goals. We can offer bespoke services depending on the requirements of a business. Services include but are not limited to:
Review of existing policies, resources, internal knowledge, expertise & supply chains and creation of a proposal based on your sustainability goals.
Sustainability Policy
Creation of a robust Sustainability Policy & identification of the actions needed to meet business goals.
Sustainability Certifications
Internal implementation and auditing of ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems and ISO 20121: Event Sustainability Management Systems, and preparing your business for B Corp assessments.
Sustainable event planning & delivery recommendations 
Our team can support you to deliver sustainability concious events, write sustainability management plans, and provide recommendations on how to deliver more environmentally friendly projects.
Training, workshops, masterclasses and coaching
We can develop bespoke training for your teams to upskill and educate on sustainable practices, influencing stakeholders, and more!
Carbon emissions &
waste impact measurement
Support developing and delivering impact measurement strategies. Including training, helping carbon measure one-off events and integration of measurement into daily operations.
Sustainable Procurement
Build out respinsible procurement criteria and sustainability plans for events, as well as developing and delivering workshops.
Carbon reduction and
Net Zero Roadmapping
We can work with your team to measure your carbon emissions and waste, to develop carbon reduction plans and build out & implement Net Zero roadmaps.